New Nexus RolePlay - Rules

Everyone who joins usmust read these rules and abide by them. Please, if you break them repeadedly, we WILL remove you from the RP.

General Rules

1. No godmoding. Godmoding is defined as: i) Posting impossibly fast so that the opposing RPer can not respond in time. ii) Taking no damage from hits by another RPer. iii) Bringing in a nice, new, gadget to a battle, without proper authorization by the council. iv) Creating a new handle to deal with threats because you don't want to hurt the concerned handle. v) Powerscrolling (warpscrolling) so that you ignore other's posts. vi) Posting hit after hit after hit so that others can not respond. vii) Surviving fatal hits by "divine" intervention. viii) Killing another in a single post. 2. A full explanation of each ship's maneuverability, weapons power, and such must be put on the fleet homepage for each and EVERY fleet. Galaxy Class Warships are NOT considered highly maneuverable. 3. If you wish to bring a new ship into the RP, consult the High Council before you do, they must approve it for use. You should have a page with full details of that ship for them. 4. Communication with others in the RP should be done via the Onelist. That is what it's for. What one knows, we all know. EXCEPTION - Interfleet communiqués and personal mattes between others. 5. The High Council reserves the right to kick people from the RP if they break any of the rules defined on this page more than three times in a short period of time. 6. Respect the other RPers as people. Settle personal vendettas outside the room, we don't want you taking out your frustration on another person. 7. There will be a maximum of two people from each fleet to be appointed to the High Council. One MUST be the head of the fleet, and the other an aide to fill in in case the first can not make it to HC meetings. 8. There will be a handle restriction in the New Nexus. A maximum of three, active handles may be used at any one time. If one handle is killed, you may bring another in so long as you keep your maximum at three. 9. A person may only belong to one Council. Eg. You may not belong to the Klingon HC and the Romulan Star Council at the same time. EXCEPTION - If you are appointed to the New Nexus HC, you may belong to one other as well, this includes the aides to the fleet leaders.

Combat Rules.

1. Give the opposing person a chance to respond to your posts. Wait for their replies before you go rushing in to post. 2. Be warned, a few, fast moving capital ships like Birds of Prey CAN take out Galaxy Class ships, no matter how powerful they appear to be. 3. One captain per ship. No "The entire Imperial Armarda drops out of warp" crap, ok? 4. You may NOT beam through shields. Don't even try it. It's hazardous for your health. 5. You can NOT dodge phaser blasts, when in a capital ship (You can in starfighters. Don't argue. Just do it.) it is impossible to dodge projectiles going at light speed. Trust me. :-) 6. No introducing new weapons in the midst of battle. Define all weaponry on your fleet's Home Page. The definition should include a full explanation of how the weapon works. If you don't know, perhaps you should just "overlook" using the new weapon for a while? 7. One person may command up to 1 (one) full squadron (Twelve fighters/bombers) of starfighters at a time. No more. 8. A Starfighter can not fire torpedoes at their standard velocity. This would physically rip apart the fighter. They may, however, use MagnaTech Torp Launchers. A definition of this weapon is on the Imperial Holonet. 9. Reinforcing shielding WILL drain phaser power, making your hits do less damage. Remember this. And the last, and most important rule - Have fun. That's what we're here for.